• Question: Does the amount of sugar affect the amount of spots you get?

    Asked by Zahra to Charlotte, hannahmoir, Majid, Richard, Sam on 7 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Charlotte Green

      Charlotte Green answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      This is not my area of research but it is true that what you eat will also affect things like your skin and spots as well as your weight. Sorry I cant give you more information maybe one of the other scientist will be able to explain in more detail.

    • Photo: Sam Smith

      Sam Smith answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Thanks Zahra. I’m going to disagree with Charlotte a little here, and say I think it’s a myth. So this is a good example when two scientists disagree on a topic. So there’s only one way to resolve it – test it with science. What we need is a group of 100 people and count how many spots they have. Then split them into two groups, and ask 1 group not to eat sugar, and the other to carry on as normal. In two weeks, we count the number of spots again and see if there’s a difference. This kind of study design is common in what we do and the most vigorous test of ideas. But i don’t think I’m going to volunteer to count everyones spots! Be my guest though!!!

    • Photo: Hannah Moir

      Hannah Moir answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      As both Charlotte and Sam point out below, the research on this question is contradictory, some studies show there could be a link and others suggest not. It may be due to the types of foods and how much is eaten that may influence your hormones which may then affect acne, but a lot of the time it is part of puberty and unfortunately there is not a lot we can do to stop this happening.
