• Question: @Hannah and @charlotte when we are baby's we are quite chubby is this fat and how do we lose it so quickly ? thank you for all the questions you have answered so far !

    Asked by RRosiee to Charlotte, hannahmoir, Majid, Richard, Sam on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Hannah Moir

      Hannah Moir answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      This ‘fat’ is stored energy to help us grow and develop, its our initial energy to help us out when we are first born because we go through a very rapid development and growth stages and we use these stores of fat to help.

    • Photo: Charlotte Green

      Charlotte Green answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Think Hannah has said everything here. I will just add that this is the same with a number of animals and you have probably heard it called “puppy fat”.

      Babies also have a lot of brown fat (fat that helps keep you warm) and babies need it as they can not shiver to get warm and they can’t move themselves to a warmer area like we can or put on another jumper 🙂
