• Question: what is the most important thing about eating and healthy lifestyle

    Asked by mim to Charlotte, hannahmoir, Majid, Richard, Sam on 7 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Charlotte Green

      Charlotte Green answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      I think it is important to remember to eat enough and not fall into the trap of starving yourself or going on crazy crash diets. Also you can eat healthily but it can still taste great. Fresh food is much better for you than pre-cooked meals (which contain chemicals to make them taste better). Experiment and make food fun. The same applies for exercise find something you enjoy doing, not everyone likes running or going to the gym but there are so many more things you can do to be physically active. I think variety is important you don’t want to get bored. Also adding a competitive element or joining a team can make exercise more interesting .

      try new things you may be pleasantly surprised.

    • Photo: Sam Smith

      Sam Smith answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Thanks mim

      I guess you could answer your question in two ways. Firstly, what is the most outcome of eating healthily. Or, what is the important thing to remember when you are eating healthily and living a healthy lifestyle. If you meant something different, give us a shout!

      So firstly, I think the most important outcome of eating and living healthily is feeling well in yourself – being mentally and physically sound by your own standards. So there’s no need to go crazy – just eat a well balanced diet, get exercise when you can, and please never smoke!

      I think the most important thing to remember when you are living your healthy life is to make sure it doesn’t become boring or a chore. Exercise can be fun, and the more fun you have, the more likely you are to come back to it again. Mixing it with socialising is one way of doing this. The same for healthy eating – it doesn’t have to be about eating lettuce the whole time! There’s plenty of yummy recipes out there to enjoy. Learning to love cooking helped me to enjoy eating healthily.

      Hope this helps!

    • Photo: Hannah Moir

      Hannah Moir answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Keeping a healthy balance and following a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding unhealthy behaviors like smoking and being sedentary and instead having a balanced diet and doing regular physical activity incorporated into your lifestyle.
